General information

International Conference on Algebra is dedicated to 100th anniversary of S.M. Chernikov. The conference will be held on August 20-26, 2012 at Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Kiev, Ukraine).

The conference is organized by

  • Dragomanov National Pedagogical University
  • Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

The working languages of the conference are English (preferable), Ukrainian and Russian.



The deadline for registration is 31 May, 2012, for abstract submission is 31 May, 2012.

Conference fee

The conference  fee is 50 €. Participants from CIS (ex-USSR) countries pay reduced fee of 30 €.  For PhD students from Ukraine, fee is 100 UAH. Conference fee should be paid during the registration in UAH equivalent.

Unfortunately the Organizing Committee of the Conference will not be able to provide any financial assistance to participants.

Conference fee should be paid during the registration in gryvnyas equivalent.
A book of abstracts is available Download